Dalcroze Method – an education for and through music Guiding Principles : Experience before science. This is the guiding principle of Dalcroze pedagogy – a method of music education that emphasizes the essential link between body movement and musicality. The main idea is that we cannot understand something we do
Interview with Jean-Marc Aeschimann, Dalcroze Specialist Professor, in charge of the Dalcroze Certificate continuous training programme in Romania, conducted in November 2020. How did the idea of the Dalcroze Certificate come about as Dalcroze pedagogy training programme around the world? In the 70s and 80s there was a Dalcroze Bachelors
Interviu cu Jean-Marc Aeschimann, profesor specialist Dalcroze, responsabilul programului de formare continuă Certificatul Dalcroze în România, realizat în noiembrie 2020. Cum a apărut ideea acestui Certificat Dalcroze ca formă de predare a pedagogiei Dalcroze în lume? În anii 70-80 exista licența Dalcroze care dura 4 ani. Însă erau oameni care